Get the guidance you seek for your legal issues.

Acadiana Legal Service Corporation offers legal services to low-income and elderly individuals through a streamlined intake process and dedicated specialized law units to deliver high-quality legal representation. 

Substantive Law Units

Administrative Law Unit

Assists individuals in navigating the complexities of public benefits to receive the support they need.

Child in Need of Care (CINC) Unit

Protects vulnerable children by providing them with legal representation and advocating for their protection.

Family Law Unit

Deals with emotional, personal, and life-changing issues like domestic violence, divorce, custody, support, and intra-family adoptions.

General Law Unit

Addresses various issues affecting our clients’ financial stability, including consumer, bankruptcy, credit issues, and estate planning.

Disaster Unit

Steps in when a natural disaster strikes and supports existing disaster survivors by helping them navigate legal issues in the aftermath.

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Housing Unit

Works tirelessly to prevent homelessness and to protect tenants’ rights.

Pro Bono Unit

Contracts with private attorneys and partners with local bar associations to provide legal services on either a free or reduced fee basis across our 42-parish service area.

Resources and Legal Education

Community legal education is a core part of our mission. We offer “Know Your Rights” clinics, resource fairs, speaker presentations and more to provide the knowledge you need to protect your legal rights.

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